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Asked by: Lashonda Patrocinia
religion and spirituality hinduismHow long does it take to walk from Katra to Vaishno Devi?
The 12 km climb from Katra to Vaishno Deviis on a well-paved road. If you're running short of timeor unable to do the climb, there are regularhelicopter flights from Katra to Sanjhhi Chhat, followed bya 2.5 km walk.
Also, how long it takes from Katra to Vaishno Devi?
5 to 8 hours
Similarly, it is asked, what is the distance from Katra to Vaishno Devi?
Vaishno Devi Temple[edit] It is on a mountain and a climb of about 14 km has tobe undertaken to reach it. While most devotees prefer to walk bothways, many of them ride a pony for part of or entire journey. Thereare Palkis available for the elderly.
740 steps