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Asked by: Bonosa Cichersk
medical health mental healthHow long does Mayo Clinic appointment take?
How soon are appointments available? Thatdependson your medical need and the area of practice you need tosee. Youmight be able to see a provider next week, or you mighthave towait 12 weeks or more. Generally, timely appointments areavailablefor urgent problems.
In this manner, how do you get an appointment at the Mayo Clinic?
You may make an appointment at Mayo Clinic inseveralways:
- Call. Central Appointment Office: 507-538-3270.
- Submit Online Request. Request an appointment at MayoClinic'scampus in Minnesota using our online form.
- Write. Mayo Clinic.
- Ask Your Doctor.
- Length of Your Visit.
- Frequently asked questions.
- Contracted insurance plans.
- Medicare.
- Medicaid.
- Tricare/Champus.
- HMOs.
- Other insurance types such as disability insurance,motorvehicle insurance, prescription card plans andworkers'compensation.
In respect to this, why would one go to the Mayo Clinic?
The answer is yes for 1 millionpatientsfrom 140 countries every year. The reason issimple:Compassion is at the heart of our care. AtMayoClinic, unhurried, comprehensive evaluations offer thebestchance of healing and getting back toyourlife.
Mayo Clinic. The Mayo Clinic is anAmericannonprofit academic medical center based inRochester,Minnesota, focused on integrated clinicalpractice,education, and research.