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Asked by: Kalilu Ignace
medical health ear nose and throat conditionsHow long does Otomize ear spray take to work?
Then, how long does Otomize spray take to work?
Use one spray in the affected ear(s)threetimes a day. Continue to use the spray for twodaysafter your symptoms have gone, but do not usethespray for more than seven days in total unless yourdoctortells you otherwise. If your symptoms do not improve withinsevendays, make another appointment to see yourdoctor.
Similarly, how long does ofloxacin ear drops take to work?
For ear infections: Adults and teenagers (12yearsof age and older)—Place 10 drops in eachaffectedear two times a day for ten to fourteen days,depending onthe infection. Children 1 to 12 years ofage—Place 5drops in each affected ear twotimes a day for tendays.
7 to 10 days