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Asked by: Lacie Manzorro
food and drink barbecues and grillingHow long does pork belly last in freezer?
Also, is it safe to eat pork that has been frozen for 2 years?
Basically, you usually won't get sick from eating pork that has been frozen as long as what you describe, but it often times does not taste "good". This is because there is a good chance that meat that has been frozen that long will develop freezer burn. I would recommend opening a package of pork chops or roast.
Moreover, how can you tell if frozen pork is bad?
7 Signs Something Has Gone Bad in the Freezer
- There are ice crystals inside the packaging.
- The protein has changed color.
- The veggies look super dull.
- You can't remember when exactly you put something in there.
- There's evidence of spills.
- There's a rancid or off odor.
- The defrosted food is sticky or slimy.
As long as it has been kept frozen meat and poultry will be safe to eat indefinitely. The quality of the meat may deteriorate with time. This depends on whether the meat was packed in a airtight container before freezing. The major risk is freezer burn which attacks the edges and surface of meat first.