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Asked by: Claris Bschor
medical health hormonal disordersHow long does post obstructive diuresis last?
Herein, how is post obstructive diuresis treated?
Treatment / Management Intravenous (IV) fluid support should be normal saline and limited to no more than 75% of the prior 1 to 2-hour urine production to avoid stimulation of further diuresis. Urine osmolality can be estimated from the specific gravity.
Considering this, is urinary retention obstructive uropathy?
Obstructive uropathy occurs when urine cannot drain through the urinary tract. Urine backs up into the kidney and causes it to become swollen. Obstructive uropathy can affect one or both kidneys. It can occur suddenly, or be a long-term problem.
Acute urinary retention (AUR) is the inability to voluntarily pass urine. It is the most common urologic emergency [1]. In men, AUR is most often secondary to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH); AUR is rare in women [2,3]. This topic will review issues related to evaluation and management of AUR.