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Asked by: Pablo Abrami
food and drink desserts and bakingHow long does store bought panettone last?
Just so, does panettone expire?
Or, more commonly, the product is manufactured to lastforever that never goes “bad”. Of course, it may neverbe good, either; Pretty much guaranteed for any product that has anexpiration date many years out. Or, more humorously, is thecase of Italian Panettone.
Also Know, what do you do with panettone?
Toast slices and serve on a cheese board or serve as asimple dessert with chocolate, caramel, maple or pumpkin dippingsauce. Serve in place of coffee cake at breakfast or brunch.Toasted panettone slathered with butter, drizzled withAcacia honey or sprinkled with cinnamon sugar is a delicious snackany time of day.
Homemade panettone keeps its freshness less timethan manufactured panettone. You can preserveit for up to 2-3 days inside a plastic bag. It can befrozen after the last rising time. Defrost it inside thefridge and leave it there for at least 2 hours beforekneading the dough again.