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Asked by: Edelina Dejong
video gaming console gamesHow long does switch take to charge from dead?
Then, how long does Nintendo switch take to charge from dead?
It takes about 3 ½ hours to fullychargethe battery pack with the power off, althoughthiswill vary depending on how much charge is leftinthe battery when the recharge begins.Thesystem can be used while the batteryisrecharging, but this will increaserechargingtime.
- Plug in the switch so that you have the battery icon in thetopleft indicating that it is "charging".
- Hold down the sleep button until it shuts down(12-15seconds)
- Walk away for a while. Leave it plugged in.
- Try powering it on after about 10-20 minutes.
Keeping this in view, how long does the switch take to charge to turn on?
Nintendo Switch systems takeapproximately3 hours to fully charge when these arepowered off orin sleep mode. Charging time will belonger if thesystem is in use.
Connect the USB connector to theNintendoSwitch. The charging port is the oval-shaped port onthebottom the Nintendo Switch in the center. Connect theUSBconnector to the port to begin charging. If you are usinganunofficial charger, be sure to disconnect thechargeras soon as Nintendo Switch isfullycharged.