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Asked by: Nichelle Calatayud
medical health substance abuseHow long does the Adderall comedown last?
Withdrawal symptoms can last anywhere from fivedays to three weeks, but it can take up to three months for aperson to feel completely normal without the drug. The stimulantstays active in the body for between 24 and 78 hours, depending onthe size of the dose.
Besides, what does it feel like when Adderall wears off?
Adderall is a stimulant, so when it wearsoff, it can leave you feeling sluggish and disconnected.When you suddenly stop taking it, you may have temporary symptomsof withdrawal. Symptoms of withdrawal or the crash may include: Youmight be unable feel normal without it.
Similarly, you may ask, does Adderall crash go away?
While an Adderall crash can be unpleasant, it istemporary. A person can use coping techniques to help them throughthe Adderall withdrawal, and they will usually start to feelbetter in a few days.
3 to 5 hours