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Asked by: Devin Dubkov
home and garden landscapingHow long does the rash from a century plant last?
Likewise, is Century plant poisonous?
The century plant (Agave americana L.) is a large showy agave with sharp leaf-tip spines, suitable as a landscape focal point or accent in regions through U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zone 8. However, the sap of this plant is poisonous and can cause severe skin irritation or digestive problems.
Likewise, does a century plant die after it blooms?
Although century plants are quite long-lived -- though not nearly as long as their name would suggest -- they die right after flowering. As soon as flowers set seed and drop, the plant withers and dies.
Dig down 2 to 3 feet around the taproot, if possible. Using an ax, spade or tree pruner, sever the taproot and discard the upper part of the root. Cutting the tap root should prevent the plant from re-sprouting.