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Asked by: Hamid Tietsche
automotive certified pre owned carsHow long does Uber take to approve insurance?
When your document is approved, we beginthesecurity verification process. This is the most time consumingstepof the activation process and usually takes 7 daystocomplete.
Herein, does Uber verify your insurance?
After being notified by Uber,yourinsurance company will see that you did notnotify themthat you were using your car for commercialpurposes. Thisscenerio is considered insurance fraud. Afterbeing notifiedby Uber, your insurance company willdeny the claimand cancel your policy.
Hereof, how long does it take for LYFT to approve insurance?
3-10 days
Unfortunately, if you tell yourinsurancecompany you drive for Uber, they willprobablycancel your policy. The good news is that you won'tbespending money with them for no purpose.