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Asked by: Aguinaldo Agrashev
style and fashion hair careHow long does your hair have to be to braid?
In this regard, how long does your hair need to be for cornrows?
Without Extensions The minimum length of hair requiredforcornrows with the wearer's natural hair is about1.75inches. When braiding cornrows, which are braidsattached tothe scalp in rows, you need enough hair togrip asyou braid.
Also asked, how long does your hair have to be to Dutch Braid?
It all depends on how good you are atDutchbraiding. If it's your first time though, itcould takea while, maybe 20 to 30 minutes until you perfectit, afterwhich you should be able to do it in about10minutes, depending on your hair length.
Though tight braiding can cause damage toyourhairline, loose braiding or twisting along thehairlinecan give the hairline a rest from ponytailsand other stylesthat pull the hair back. When stylingthe front ofthe hair, try to push the baby hairs out of thestyle.