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Asked by: Maris Scheppmann
hobbies and interests stamps and coinsHow long has Catalonia been fighting for independence?
Also question is, how long was Catalonia independent?
27 October: Unilateral declaration of independence On 27 October 2017, a resolution based on the "Declaration of the representatives of Catalonia" declaring the independence of Catalonia was voted in the Parliament and was approved with 70 votes in favor, 10 against, and 2 blank votes.
Moreover, was Catalonia ever an independent country?
In 1914, the four Catalan provinces formed a commonwealth, and with the return of democracy during the Second Spanish Republic (1931–1939), the Generalitat of Catalonia was restored as an autonomous government. On 27 October 2017, the Catalan Parliament declared independence from Spain following a disputed referendum.
The 2017–18 Spanish constitutional crisis, also known as the Catalan crisis, was a political conflict between the Government of Spain and the Generalitat de Catalunya under former President Carles Puigdemont—the government of the autonomous community of Catalonia until 28 October 2017—over the issue of Catalan