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Asked by: Jonnatan Heermann
food and drink desserts and bakingHow long is almond butter good for in fridge?
In this manner, can almond butter go bad in the fridge?
You don't have to store almond butter in the fridge, but it's not a bad idea. The reason it's better to keep almond butter in the fridge than in your pantry or kitchen cabinet is simple. Even though a jar of the stuff is shelf-stable for up to two years when unopened, almond butter can go rancid.
Similarly, how do you know when almond butter goes bad?
Rancid Almond Butter Texture If the oil separates, it's not necessarily bad—this occurs in fresh, natural nut and seed butters as they sit and can happen as quickly as overnight. Your best bet for detecting far-gone almond butter is to take a whiff. If it's at all sour, weird or like something inedible, don't eat it.
Peanut butter is gooey and delicious, yet it can remain at room temperature for months without spoiling. Low moisture levels and high oil content keep this butter from going bad for quite some time, but don't go ignoring that expiration date just yet. Peanut butter can go rancid in about a year and lose its flavor.