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Asked by: Niceto Gerena
business and finance real estate industryHow long is eviction process after foreclosure?
Also question is, how long does it take to evict someone after foreclosure?
To reasonably accommodate the previous owner, you must go through a highly regimented legal process before the owner can be evicted. The process typically takes upward of 30 days, but at the end of the eviction process, you will be able to freely access and use the foreclosed property.
Also to know is, how long do you have to move out after foreclosure auction?
You usually have about 30 to 45 days after the auction to vacate the premises.
If your home was sold at a trustee's sale after foreclosure, the highest bidder (usually your lender) becomes the new owner. If you do not leave voluntarily or enter into an agreement with the new owner for more time on the property, the new owner can evict you by the "formal" eviction process.