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Asked by: Kanchan Astorquiza
video gaming exercise and fitness video gamesHow long is red phase?
Similarly, it is asked, what is the red phase?
During the first three weeks of Initial Entry Training, commonly referred to as Red Phase, trainees learn about U.S. Army heritage, Army Core Values, as well as undergo physical and tactical training. One test trainees must face during this phase is the Physical Endurance Course, known to many simply as PECs.
One may also ask, how long is red phase at Fort Benning?
The red and white phases each are three weeks long; blue phase is four weeks. The Army has brought back "phase testing," which means soldiers will have to pass a test at the end of every phase before they are allowed to move on.
The Blue Phase encompasses weeks 6 through 9 of basic training. All of the knowledge you gather throughout basic training will culminate to a 3-day field training exercise (FTX), which combines all previously taught basic combat skills. During FTX, you will complete teamwork exercises and missions.