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Asked by: Ousmane Touray
medical health heart and cardiovascular diseasesHow long is the latent period?
Hereof, what is the latent period of muscle contraction?
Answer and Explanation: The latent period of muscle contraction refers to the very short period of time between when the muscle receives the electrical impulse from the nerve
Regarding this, how do I know if I'm in the latent phase?
The latent stage may include all, or just some, of the following: Persistent lower back or abdominal pain along with cramps and a pre-menstrual feeling. Mild contractions that start lengthening over time, so you know they're real. These prepare your cervix before it starts to dilate, ready for established labour.
The start of labour is called the latent phase. This is when your cervix becomes soft and thin as it prepares to open up, or dilate, to allow for your baby to be born. This begins with contractions, which may be irregular and vary in frequency, strength and length.