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Asked by: Saeed Farris
events and attractions graduationHow long is the pledging process for a sorority?
People also ask, how long does the pledging process take?
Pledging a Fraternity. In some fraternities, pledging is a process with multiple stages that can take up to a year and a half. In other fraternities, pledging takes place over a matter of weeks.
Also asked, how long does it take to get into a sorority?
Rush is different for every school and every sorority. It can be as short as three days or last as long as two weeks.
There are not-so-tiny fines of upwards $100 for each breaking of a fraternity or sorority rule. Regular chapter membership dues, which can certainly also add up, are other hidden costs that many do not think about. These regular dues can set you back between $20 to more than $200 per month and up to $3000 per semester.