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Asked by: Magueye Schmidmeyr
business and finance aviation industryHow long is the wing of a 747?
Also to know is, how long is the wing of a plane?
How long is an ordinary plane from onewing tip to the other? A: The longest wingspan of anyaircraft is 88.4 meters (290 feet) for the Antonov An-225 Mriya.The shortest is 1.68 meters (5 feet, 6 inches) of the Starr BumbleBee II.
One may also ask, how big is a 747 engine?
The Boeing 747-800 uses the General Electric GEnxengine which has a 105 inch fan diameter. It produces 67,400pounds of thrust at takeoff and operates at 58,500pounds.
The size and shape of the wing, the angleat which it meets the oncoming air, the speed at which it movesthrough the air, even the density of the air, all affect theamount of lift a wing creates. Let's begin with the shape ofa wing intended for subsonic flight.