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Asked by: Jonie Whyte
medical health brain and nervous system disordersHow long is Wallerian degeneration?
Correspondingly, what is Wallerian degeneration?
Wallerian degeneration is an active process of degeneration that results when a nerve fiber is cut or crushed and the part of the axon distal to the injury (i.e. farther from the neuron's cell body) degenerates.
Also to know, what is the first step in Wallerian degeneration?
First step of Wallerian Degeneration. myelin sheath pulls away from the segment. Second step of Wallerian Degeneration. The axon segment breaks into smaller segments.
In the PNS, rapid WD results in an extracellular environment that promotes axon regeneration, whereas in the mammalian CNS, slow WD results in the prolonged presence of myelin-associated in- hibitors that likely contribute to the failure of CNS axons to regenerate.