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Asked by: Yanling Turpyatko
food and drink desserts and bakingHow long should a bundt cake cool before glazing?
Likewise, how long do you let a bundt cake cool before flipping?
After removing from the oven, place the pan on a wirerack and let cool; your recipe will specify therequired time, usually from 10-20 minutes. This allows thecake to become firm enough to remove from the pan withoutbreaking apart. Cooling too long in the pan willcause the cake to be damp and stick to the pan.
Thereof, do you glaze a cake when it's hot?
Be sure the cake is cooled completely beforeapplying a glaze with a thin consistency. If it is aglaze that needs to be spread, a slightly warm cakewill allow the glaze to spread more easily, but if thecake is too warm the glaze may run off thecake.
Let the hot cake rest for a fewminutes I like to let my Bundt cakes rest forabout 5 minutes right side up; then for another 5 minutes upsidedown on a rack. Sometimes the cake drops out of thepan as soon as I turn the pan onto the rack.Sometimes it needs a little help — readon.