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Asked by: Kadialy Fornas
technology and computing antivirus softwareHow long should a Mac mini take to boot?
Subsequently, one may also ask, how long should it take for a Mac to startup?
In general, it takes about 30 seconds for aMacmachine to fully startup, depending on thehardwareconfiguration though. For example, Macs with flashstorage(solid-state drive) load much faster than those with HDDs(harddisk drive).
Accordingly, how can I make my Mac mini boot faster?
Here are some tips to make your Mac boot faster.
- Get an SSD Drive.
- Quit apps when you Shut Down.
- Create some extra space on your Hard Drive.
- Clean up your Desktop.
- Get rid of any unnecessary startup items.
- Get more memory.
- Get rid of 'Mac Keeper' and Virus Checkers.
- 7 Responses to “7 ways to make your Macbootfaster.”
Check CPU usage If your Mac's Central Processing Unit (CPU)isoverwhelmed by an app, everything on your system mayslowdown. Launch Activity Monitor and select MyProcessesfrom the pop-up menu at the top of the window. Next, clickthe %CPU column to sort by that criterion.