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Asked by: Rosenilda Schonepauck
real estate real estate buying and sellingHow long should I study for real estate exam?
Similarly, you may ask, how long does it take to study for real estate exam?
Depending on your state's real estate licensing requirements, which typically include 60-90 hours of formal education and studying and sitting for a licensing exam, it can take anywhere from 3-6 months to get a real estate license.
- Take the exam as soon as you can. You never will know the material better than you do right when you finish the course.
- Know the exam rules. Here are a few rules that you may want to check out.
- Study your state license law.
- Remember important vocabulary.
- Focus on key concepts.
- Eat something.
- Stay cool.
- Pay attention.
Furthermore, is the real estate exam hard?
Real Estate Exams Can Be Difficult: Many Test Takers Fail Across the country in California, the pass rate also hovers around 50 percent. In other words, you must study to pass this exam. The good news is that it can be done. With proper preparation, the real estate exam is not that hard.
A score of 70% or higher is required for passing a real estate license exam in most states. Because the exam features both national questions and a portion curated by the state in which you're hoping to get licensed, you must score a 70% on both.