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Asked by: Reid Garcia Noblejas
books and literature cookbooksHow long should it take to read a 1000 page book?
Considering this, how long should it take to read a page of a book?
For starters, the average count for a page in abook is 250–300 depending upon its trim size, margins,and font size. If you read 300 words per minute, then youwill able to read one page in 49–60seconds.
One may also ask, how long does it take to read a 400 page book?
For most books, I read at a rate of about30-40 pages per hour. So a 400 page book would takeme 10-13.3 hours to read. That's typically for novels thatare interesting and I read for fun.
1000 words in a book is about 3pages. One thing to keep in mind with how many pagesis 1000 words is that it depends on the text, its size, andthe spacing you're using. For example, if you write 1000words on a page in Google Docs, but maintain doublespacing, that would be about two pages.