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Asked by: Pedro Aronin,Aaron
medical health first aidHow long should you put Vaseline on a wound?
Likewise, is it good to put Vaseline on an open wound?
Wounds Heal Faster with Vaseline–Vaseline (petroleum jelly) not onlykeepswounds clean and moist but also provides an occlusivelayer,thus keeps the wound covered. It keeps germs outdecreasingthe risk on infection. If you have tried it once yourselfyou willprobably have noticed the wound scabs farless.
- Apply heat to the area. An effective way to increase bloodflowis to apply heat to the wound.
- Stop smoking. If you are a smoker, now may be the timetoquit.
- Elevate the wound. Since swelling restricts blood flow, itisimportant to keep your wound elevated.
- Get moving.
- Eat a healthy diet.
In this manner, does a wound heal faster dry or moist?
A: Airing out most wounds isn't beneficialbecausewounds need moisture to heal. Leaving awounduncovered may dry out new surface cells, whichcanincrease pain or slow the healing process. Mostwoundtreatments or coverings promote a moist —but notoverly wet — woundsurface.
It is best to keep a wound moist and coveredforat least five days.