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Asked by: Tereasa Lubke
style and fashion bath and showerHow long should you soak your feet in Epsom salt?
Herein, what are the benefits of soaking feet in Epsom salt?
Absorbing magnesium through the skin from an Epsom salt foot soak may provide the following benefits:
- Decreasing symptoms of athlete's foot. According to the Epsom Salt Council, Epsom salt does not kill the fungus that causes athlete's foot.
- Easing inflammation.
- Exfoliating the skin.
- Reducing odor.
Also Know, can soaking in Epsom salts be dangerous?
Epsom salt is for external use only. The truth is that drinking Epsom salt causes some people to experience serious side effects such as severe diarrhea. Sudden and dramatic changes in bowel behavior can be very dangerous and cause dehydration and discomfort.
Dr. Rowland recommends soaking your feet in a mixture of vinegar and water or Epsom salt and water. For a salt soak, dissolve half a cup of Epsom salt in a tub or large bowl of warm water and soak for about 10 to 20 minutes.