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Asked by: Justas Quijorna
medical health birth controlHow long until you get pregnant after stopping birth control?
Correspondingly, what are the chances of getting pregnant after stopping birth control?
One study found that 72 to 94 percent of womenwillbecome pregnant after one year of being off oforalcontraceptives, a rate that's similar to the percentageofwomen who become pregnant after one year ofstoppingother forms of contraception includingnon-med versions likeusing condoms and familyplanning.
Consequently, how quickly can you get pregnant after stopping the pill?
You may be able to getpregnantwithin 1-3 months of stopping a combinationpill --meaning those that have estrogen andprogestin. But mostwomen can get pregnant within ayear.
In a study of 200 women who took birthcontrolpills for at least a year, 40 percent had a period orbecamepregnant just one month after they stoppedtaking thepill. And by three months post-pill, nearly 99percent had aperiod or became pregnant, Jensensaid.