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Asked by: Recuerdo Milcheva
home and garden home appliancesHow long will a big buddy heater run?
50 to 220 hours
Similarly one may ask, how long will a 20lb propane tank last on a heater?
10 hours
Subsequently, question is, is a Big Buddy heater safe to use indoors?
The Mr. Heater F232000 MH9BX Buddy Indoor-Safe Portable Radiant Heater is the ideal solution for anyone looking to stay warm in the colder winter weather. This portable heater is safe to use indoors and it is completely portable.
Fitting a 20lb propane tank The obvious benefit is extended run time. For example, two 1lb bottles will give you around 3 to 12 hours of heat (depending on what setting it's on), whereas the two 20lb propane tanks last for 50 to 220 hours (again depending on the setting).