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Asked by: Jmiaa Cascone
technology and computing smartphonesHow long will the Google pixel 2 be supported?
In this way, how long will a Google pixel 2 last?
On October 4, 2017, the Pixel 2 and Pixel2XL were granted an extended warranty period which guaranteesAndroidversion updates for them until October 2022, 3 years fromwhen theywere first available on the Google Store, and freeunlimitedstorage for all photos and videos taken on the phone inoriginalquality
Subsequently, question is, how long will pixel 2 be supported?
Pixel 2 (2017) phones get Android versionupdatesfor at least 3 years from when the device first becameavailable onthe Google Store. After 3 years, we can'tguarantee moreupdates.
These phones are designed, sold, and maintainedbyGoogle, so they get updated when the latest versionsofAndroid are available—on time, every time. Googlealsoguarantees that level of support for at least two yearsforall major Android updates, and an unprecedented threeyearsfor monthly security updates.