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Asked by: Pompei Reekers
science space and astronomyHow many 90 degree angles does a parallelogram have?
Similarly, you may ask, does a parallelogram have 4 90 degree angles?
Here are the things to remember. A square has got4 sides of equal length and 4 right angles(right angle = 90 degrees). A Rhombus has got4 sides of equal length and opposite sides are parallel andangles are equal.
Also know, do parallelogram have 90 degrees?
The classic definition of a parallelogram inEuclidean geometry is that it is a non-intersectingquadrilateral ABCD with AB parallel to CD and BC parallel toDA. A consequence of the definition is that opposite anglesare of equal measure. So if one angle is 90 degrees,the opposite angle is also 90 degrees.
Answer and Explanation: A trapezoid might not have any rightangles, or it might have two right angles.Most trapezoids have two acute angles (under 90degrees) and two