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Asked by: Sunil Elleringmann
hobbies and interests beekeepingHow many acres do you need for a pig?
Similarly, can pigs live on grass alone?
During this time, most pigs will readily graze.However, they're individuals, and some will prefer not tograze, either because there's other food available or maybe they'renot particularly fond of grass. Although they can eatgrass, most pigs can't live on grassalone.
Also know, how much does it cost to raise pigs?
Total = $600 cost to raise a pig for a 275lb pig at market weight. That will give us about 130 poundsof meat and extras, which works out to about $4.62/lb across allcuts.
As a system of swine management, however,free-range—even though it mercifully allowsample pig mobility—is in many ways far from the idealthat most people imagine it to be. “Pigs are naturalforagers,” explains the Soil Association, which forbids thepractice, “and ringing prevents the pig fromrooting.”