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Asked by: Orfelia Viel
home and garden home appliancesHow many amps does a 5500 watt generator put out?
People also ask, how many amps does a generator put out?
Generators can only put out a finiteamount of power. Companies use watts to rate a generator'soutput. The wattage is calculated by multiplying the voltage by theelectrical device's load capacity in amperage (Watts = Voltsx Amps). For example, a generator may be listed as1,500 watts delivering 120 volts.
Similarly one may ask, how many amps does a 3500 watt generator put out?
A 3500-watt generator is one of the best optionsfor emergency backup electricity as it is capable of supplyingpower to run several medium sized household appliances at the sametime. It will provide around 14 amps at 240 volts or 28amps at standard 120 volt power.
A 5,000 watt generator is capable ofrunning a lamp, fan, radio, television, water pump, hairdryer, portable electric heater and electric blanket. Thegenerator is able to power any small appliance with awattage rating below 5,000 watts.