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Asked by: Radek Oliu
home and garden indoor environmental qualityHow many amps does a swamp cooler pull?
Similarly, how much power does a evaporative cooler use?
Evaporative coolers are rated by the cubic feetper minute (cfm) of air that they deliver to the house. Mostmodels range from 3,000 to 25,000 cfm. Manufacturers recommendproviding enough air-moving capacity for 20 to 40 airchanges per hour, depending on climate.
Likewise, how effective are swamp coolers?
Furthermore, an evaporative cooler'seffectiveness will greatly depend on two factors: the outsidetemperature and humidity level. For optimal cooling effects, aswamp cooler will work best in the hottest time of the dayand when humidity levels are below 50% (the lower the humidity, thebetter).
Never use both your AC and your SwampCooler at the same time. Due to their differenttechnologies they actually make each other work harder and sort ofcancel each other out in some situations. So one at a time.Swamp Coolers work most effectively during the middle of theday, when it is hottest and driest.