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Asked by: Hadrian Strauff
home and garden indoor environmental qualityHow many amps is a 1.5 ton AC?
Correspondingly, how much current does a 1.5 ton AC draw?
Cooling capacity of 1 ton is equal to 3517 W of power. Hence, cooling capacity of 1.5 ton = 5275 W of power. If the supply voltage is around 220 V AC, then the running current will be 1510/220 = 6.9 A.
- I(A) = P(W) / (√3 × PF × VL-L(V) ) So amps are equal to watts divided by square root of 3 times power factor times volts.
- amps = watts / (√3 × PF × volts) or.
- A = W / (√3 × PF × V) Example.
- I = 330W / (√3 × 0.8 × 110V) = 2.165A. Amps calculation with line to neutral voltage.
Similarly, it is asked, how many amps does an AC use?
Most common voltage ratings for AC units are 115, 125 and 220 volts, and amperage rating can run from 15 to 20 amps. The lower two voltage ratings are common in smaller units, while units with a rating higher than 15,000 BTUs will require a 220-volt circuit.
Central AC Electrical Requirements Central air conditioning units require 208/240 volts. They must be hard wired and have a dedicated circuit. Units require anywhere from 15-60 amps depending on how many tons they are.