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Asked by: Iacopo Awtandiloff
careers apprenticeshipsHow many apprenticeship standards are there?
Thereof, how many apprenticeship frameworks are there?
Frameworks don't always work Each framework contains pathways which set out different roles. English Apprenticeships: Our 2020 Vision tells us there are now around 230 apprenticeship frameworks and over 700 pathways within them. Frameworks are primarily qualification-focused.
Subsequently, question is, what are the new apprenticeship standards?
The new standards were introduced as part of the Government's major apprenticeship reforms. The standards represent a shift from assessing to learning and put employers in control. The new standards are written by employer-led groups and include the specific KSBs needed for a specific occupation.
As universities usually take A Levels to accept students onto courses, you may be wondering how you can be accepted through apprenticeship qualifications. Advanced apprenticeships (Level 3 and 4) are considered equivalent to A Levels, and will receive UCAS points to apply to uni.