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Asked by: Cesaria Brachthauser
events and attractions historic site and landmark toursHow many Armenians are there in the world?
Similarly, you may ask, how many Armenians are in the USA?
According to the 2000 US Census, there were 65,280Armenian-born people in the US: 57,482 in California, 1,981in New York and 1,155 in Massachusetts. According to the 2011American Community Survey, there were 85,150 Armenian-bornpeople in the US, about 20,000 more than in 2000.
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Similarly, what kind of race is Armenian?
????, hayer [h?ˈj??]) are an ethnic group native to theArmenian Highlands of Western Asia. Armeniansconstitute the main population of Armenia and the de factoindependent Artsakh.
According to the US State Department, in 1922there were 817,873 Armenian refugees who hadoriginated from Turkey. According to the same source, therewere 281,000 Armenians still living in Turkeyin 1921: 150,000 in Constantinople (Istanbul) and131,000 in Asia Minor.