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Asked by: Uraitz Jebelev
medical health brain and nervous system disordersHow many brains do we have?
Furthermore, do we have one or two brains?
But what is real is the fact that theredefinitely are two distinct brain hemispheres - aleft and a right. These hemispheres each receive half our visualinformation, and direct half our movement - the left braincontrols the right side of our body, the right braincontrols the left.
Just so, do we have 4 brains?
Yes, you have four brains. The grey matter insideour skull has three distinct layers, called the triunebrain, that evolved over time. And scientists havediscovered another batch of complex neurons located in our abdomenthat function as a fourth brain.
The reptilian brain, the oldest of the three,controls the body's vital functions such as heart rate, breathing,body temperature and balance. Our reptilian brain includesthe main structures found in a reptile's brain: thebrainstem and the cerebellum.