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Asked by: Delina Hanschmidt
home and garden indoor environmental qualityHow many BTU heater do I need?
Herein, how many BTU do I need to heat a 20x20 room?
Rule of thumb, of course. So the space you want to cool ( 20x20=400) should be doable wih a 1 ton (12,000 BTUH) unit. But I'd bump it up to a 15,000 - 16,000 BTUH to handle the hot, humid summer heat of your area.
Likewise, how many BTU do I need per square foot?
To determine the number of BTUs per square foot that you need to heat a room, simply multiply the square footage by 20 BTUs per square foot. For example, if a room has 1,000 square feet, you would require 20,000 BTUs to heat it.
For cooler climates, a very broad estimate of furnace sizing is to select one that generates 40 to 45 BTUs per square foot. At 40 to 45 BTUs per square foot, you'd need a 100,000 to 112,500 BTU furnace to heat your 2,500-square-foot home.