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Asked by: Annita Mourelo
religion and spirituality buddhismHow many Buddhas are there in Mahayana Buddhism?
Similarly, how many Buddhas are there in Buddhism?
28 Buddhas
People also ask, how many Mahayana Buddhists are there?
BUDDHISM TODAY In the 21st century CE, it is estimated that488million (9-10% of the world population) peoplepracticeBuddhism. Approximately half are practitionersofMahayana schools in China and it continuestoflourish. The main countries which practiceBuddhismcurrently are China, Japan, Korea, andVietnam.
Buddhists seek to reach a state ofnirvana,following the path of the Buddha, SiddharthaGautama, whowent on a quest for Enlightenment around the sixthcentury BC.There is no belief in a personal god.Buddhistsbelieve that nothing is fixed or permanent and thatchange isalways possible.