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Asked by: Balma Trimbusch
technology and computing data storage and warehousingHow many bytes is a char c#?
Integer Types
Type | Storage size | Value range |
char | 1 byte | -128 to 127 or 0 to 255 |
unsigned char | 1 byte | 0 to 255 |
signed char | 1 byte | -128 to 127 |
int | 2 or 4 bytes | -32,768 to 32,767 or -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 |
Thereof, how many bytes is a char?
1 byte
Also to know, how many bytes is a string C#?
C# uses Unicode which is 2 bytes per character so if the limit is 128 bytes you can have 64 chars. You can tell the number of characters in a string by the Length property.
Yes, char and byte are pretty much the same. A byte is the smallest addressable amount of memory, and so is a char in C. char always has size 1. A char has CHAR_BIT bits.