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Asked by: Shanice Baidavletoff
food and drink barbecues and grillingHow many calories are in a KFC family feast?
Feast number one supplies half the calories, 85 percent of the fat and about one and a half times the sodium you should have in a day—in just one meal! Ordering the Extra Crispy chicken makes it even worse: 1,253 calories, 71 g fat, and 3,370 mg sodium per serving.
In this manner, what is in a family feast from KFC?
Ten pieces of Original Recipe chicken, plus four regular fries, two large sides and a large bottle of drink. A feast fit for the hungriest family.
Likewise, people ask, how much is KFC family feast?
Surf Safe Family Feast 15pcs Original Chicken and any 5 large Sides.
A KFC Original Recipe Chicken Breast has 19 grams of fat and 380 calories, compared with a Burger King Whopper with 43 grams of fat and 710 calories, the statement says. Removing the skin and breading reduces the fat to 3 grams, zero grams of trans fat, and 140 calories.