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Asked by: Bertrand Rio
food and drink barbecues and grillingHow many calories are in Tijuana Flats tacos?
857 calories, 857 grams of fat, 857 grams of protein, 857 grams of carbs.
Besides, is Tijuana Flats healthy?
Tijuana Flats I ask for black beans, salsa as the dressing, skip the cheese and sour cream and leave the fried shell behind. It's such a hearty and healthy meal for only 241 calories according to their web site's calculator (or 421 if you add chicken).
Subsequently, one may also ask, how many calories in a Tijuana Flats Burrito Bowl?
Bowl. 1067 calories, 1067 grams of fat, 1067 grams of protein, 1067 grams of carbs.
You can get free refills of your drink selection (sodas) and some menu items.