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Asked by: Agusti Haidara
science chemistryHow many cases of spontaneous human combustion are there?
Also question is, what are the chances of spontaneous human combustion?
Fewer than 150 cases of spontaneous humancombustion have been reported over the last two thousand years.The rareness has rightfully engendered skepticism as to whether thecondition truly exists. After all, the human body isapproximately sixty percent water.
Keeping this in consideration, can a person really spontaneously combust?
Spontaneous Human Combustion: Facts &Theories. For well over a century, some have claimed that peoplecan suddenly and inexplicably explode into a ball of fire. Thephenomenon is called spontaneous human combustion(SHC), and it has been described in many popular books on mysteriesand the unexplained.
Michael Faherty, 76, died at his home in Galwayon 22 December 2010. Deaths attributed by some to "spontaneouscombustion" occur when a living human body is burnedwithout an apparent external source of ignition. Typically policeor fire investigators find burned corpses but no burnedfurniture.