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Asked by: Niceto Wiedenhovt
healthy living smoking cessationHow many cigarettes are in a shisha?
Just so, how many cigarettes is a shisha equivalent to?
One hour smoking shisha is equivalent to 100cigarettes, warns government health officials. Studies showthat one hour of smoking shisha – or hookah as it is morecommonly known – can be as damaging to your health as smoking100 cigarettes.
Consequently, is Shisha bad for you than cigarettes?
As with cigarette smoking, hookah smokingis linked to lung and oral cancers, heart disease, and otherserious illnesses. Hookah smoking delivers about thesame amount of nicotine as cigarette smoking, possiblyleading to tobacco dependence. Hookah smoke poses dangersassociated with secondhand smoke.
The water in hookah smoke does not filter out anyharmful chemicals. Cigarettes "burn" the lungs because they useheat, and hookah smoke is cooler, so it does not burn.Smoke from a hookah can still damage the heart andlungs, even after cooling down.