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If you are wondering how manyclamstoserve, we recommend about 1/2 poundperperson(appetizer) or approximately 1 poundperperson(main).
Similarly, you may ask, how many people will a bushel of clams feed?
If you are buying littlenecks, there areapproximately400clams per bushel. If you are buyingtopnecks,there areapproximately 200 clamsperbushel.
Hereof, how many clams are in a pound?
Little Neck: The smallest size ofclam,amountingto 7-10 clams per pound. CherryStone: Alittlelarger, you'll get 6-10 cherry stone clamsperpound.Top Neck: These are sometimes also labeled ascountneckclams, and they equal roughly 4clamsperpound.
A 3-ounce serving (about12medium-sizedcooked clams) has about 125 calories, fewerthan2 grams offat, 22 grams of protein and 57milligramsofcholesterol.