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Asked by: Amor Kiedrowski
food and drink barbecues and grillingHow many cups is 2 lbs of potatoes?
4 cups
Subsequently, one may also ask, how many potatoes are in a pound?
Generally, three medium russet potatoes oreightto 10 small new white potatoes equal one pound.Onepound of russet potatoes equals approximately3-1/2cups chopped or 2 to 3 cups mashed.
In this way, how many cups are in a pound?
The answer is five cups weighs 2.5pounds.Another way to look at the problem is that for everyonepound you must have two cups.
For white potatoes and Russets, one poundofpotatoes works out to be two medium-sized potatoes.Now,of course you can find a single potato that weighsonepound, but once you move into that direction, it'sdifficultto eyeball a weight.