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Asked by: Brayan Istegui
food and drink vegetarian dietsHow many days does it take to grow carrots?
Likewise, people ask, how long does it take for carrots to fully grow?
Plant your carrots as seeds and expect themtotake about 10 to 12 days to germinate, though somevarietiescan take up to three weeks. To help your carrotsgrowas long as possible, till the soil and loosenitcompletely before planting.
Beside this, what month do you plant carrots?
Learn When to Plant Carrots In the spring, sow carrot seeds infertile,well-worked soil about two weeks before your last frostdate. Incool climates, continue planting every three weeksuntilmidsummer. In summer, begin sowing seeds for fall andwintercarrots 10 to 12 weeks before your average firstfallfrost.
Place your potted carrots in a sunny windowandkeep the soil moist at the surface until the seeds germinate.Waterthe pot when the soil is dry at a depth of 1 inch oncetheseedlings begin to grow.