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Asked by: Demetrice Furmann
technology and computing data storage and warehousingHow many days it will take to learn MongoDB?
Learn MongoDB in 7 Days!!!
Thereof, how long does it take to learn MongoDB?
An active knowledge base and experience in linux or Unix based systems is also recommended. There is 32 hours of live recorded training covered by an instructor and over 17 hours of online learning content.
Besides, how easy is it to learn MongoDB?
MongoDB is quite easy to learn and also implement in project.
Advantages of MongoDB :
- Schema less − MongoDB is a document database in which one collection holds different documents.
- Structure of a single object is clear.
- No complex joins.
- Deep query-ability.
- Tuning.
- Ease of scale-out − MongoDB is easy to scale.
Most nosql is easier to learn than relational systems since many of those relational systems have as much as 30 year head start on getting features going. Cassandra isn't too bad. You have to learn to build tables as if you were building around materialized views.