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Asked by: Yuneisy Ciriano
family and relationships parenting teensHow many days of school can a child miss before being held back?
Accordingly, how many unexcused absences are allowed in a school year NJ?
6A:14-7.1(a), shall act in accordance with (a)4i abovefor each student with up to four cumulative unexcusedabsences. 1. For each student attending a receivingschool with five or more cumulative unexcusedabsences, the absences shall be reported to the sendingschool district.
Secondly, what happens if you miss 18 days of school?
By 6th grade, chronic absence becomes a leadingindicator that a student will drop out of high school.Research shows that missing 10 percent of the school,or about 18 days in most school districts, negativelyaffects a student's academic performance. That's just twodays a month and that's known as chronicabsence.
"Excessive absenteeism is defined as three (3) ormore unexcused absences in any ninety (90) dayperiod. First offense - written counseling and warning thatcontinued excessive absenteeism will lead to subsequentdisciplinary action.