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Considering this, does a cylinder have any faces?
All of these figures are curved in some way,sothey have no edges or vertices. What abouttheirfaces? A sphere has no faces, a cone hasonecircular face, and a cylinder has twocircularfaces. Therefore, the number of facesincreases byone from one figure to the next.
Also Know, how many sides are in a cylinder?
A cylinder has 1 side which wraps aroundcircularareas in the two ends. If the ends are enclosed then thereare 2circular sides for a total of 3 sides, two ofwhichare flat circles and one curved side.
Base and side A cylinder is a geometric solid that isverycommon in everyday life, such as a soup can. If you take itapartyou find it has two ends, called bases, that areusuallycircular. The bases are always congruent and parallel toeachother.