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Asked by: Tadea Ximenis
home and garden home appliancesHow many fence panels will 5l of paint cover?
Also, how much paint do I need to cover fence panels?
Typically for fences you will use more painttocover an area than you would for a regular wallbecausethe texture is rougher. Usually a gallon of exteriorpaintwill cover about 200 square feet for afence so youcan take your number and divide it by 200 tofind out how manygallons you will need.
Besides, how many coats of stain do I need for a fence?
In most cases, solid-color stains areliketraditional paint and need just one coat to protectyourfence. Semi-transparent penetrating stainsoftenneed two coats, with the second coatappliedapproximately an hour after the first coat.
Once this calculation is considered,youcan figure out how many gallons of deckstainyou need by reading the coverage rate of thestain you arebuying. On average most deck stainscover 150-300 sq.ft. per gallon depending on theage, condition, andporosity of the wood.